Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Finding out more

Trek Video in Fairhaven has (and probably Film is Truth, downtown--these are our two Independent Video stores) two more films with a theme about Iraq. We don't have time to watch everything, but if you want to on your own, there are Voices of War, which Rob, the owner, thinks has Iraqi perspectives within it, and Iraq for Sale, which was mentioned by one of the vets we listened to in 101-T.
There is a "press packet" on this site, which is a PDF file, which would be an excellent resource for any of you using any of the film's perspectives in your Essay 2.
Many of the blog links on the site are either dead or possibly "friends only;" but some are active.

I have found which looks like a promising source, as well as an interesting article, (google to find), "You break it, you pay for it," by Naomi Klein.

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